Single-use-seal primitive represents an efficient enhancement for WoT model of key revocation: it provides independent parties an ability to detect and timestamp key revocation without contacting the owner of the original identity.
RGB-22 standard is created to leverage this advantage and provide an alternative WoT solution to GPG/PGP. It can be combined with Storm protocol, as a better alternative to PGP key servers.
Interface specification is the following Contractum code:
-- Defined by LNPBP-31 standard in `RGBContract.sty` file
import urn:ubideco:stl:6vbr9ZrtsD9aBjo5qRQ36QEZPVucqvRRjKCPqE8yPeJr#choice-little-boxer as RGBContract
data XonlyPubkey :: [Byte ^ 32]
data SchnorrSig :: [Byte ^ 64]
data EdKey :: [Byte ^ 32]
data EdSig :: [Byte ^ 64)
data Fact :: [Byte+] -- JSON encoded string
data Pubkey :: secp256k1(XonlyPubkey) | curve25519(EdKey)
data Sig ::
secp256k1(XonlyPubkey, SchnorrSig) |
ed25519(EdKey, EdSig)
data Attestation ::
facts [Fact+],
attestedBy RGB22.ContractId,
signature Sig
data FullName :: [Unicode ^ 0..0xFF]
interface RGB22
global nickName :: RGBContract.Name
global fullName :: FullName
global emails+ :: Email
global facts* :: Attestation
global photo* :: (MimeType, [Byte])
global created :: RGBContract.Timestamp
owned nameRight
owned attestRight
owned revokableKey+ :: Pubkey
op Revoke :: revokableKey -> revokableKey?
op Rename :: nameRight
, nickName
, fullName
, {emails ^ 0..0xff}
, {photo ^ 0..0xff}
-> nameRight
op Attest :: attestRight
, {facts ^ 1..0xFFFF}
-> attestRight
, {revokableKey}
Reference implementation
use Secp256k1, Ed25519
import RGB22
fn checkKey :: key Pubkey !! invalidKey
Pubkey.secp256k1(k) -> Secp256k1.checkKey k !! invalidKey
Pubkey.curve25519(k) -> Ed25519.checkKey k !! invalidKey
schema BaseIdentity
global Name :: [Unicode+]
global Emails{+} :: Email
global Facts{*} :: Attestation
global Photo? :: (MimeType, [Byte])
owned NameRight
owned AttestRight
owned RevokableKey{+} :: Pubkey
genesis :: name Name, emails {Emails+}, keys {RevokableKey+}
!! invalidKey
keys => key -> checkKey key
op revoke :: old RevokableKey -> new RevokableKey?
!! invalidKey
| sameKey
checkKey new
!(old =? new) !! sameKey
op rename :: NameRight -> NameRight <- Name, {Emails+}
op attest :: AttestRight -> AttestRight, {RevokableKey}
<- atts {Attestation}
!! invalidSig
atts => a -> a.signature:
Sig.secp256k1(key, sig) => Secp256k1.verify key, sig !! invalidSig
Sig.ed25519k1(key, sig) => Ed25519.verify key, sig !! invalidSig
implement RGB21 for BaseIdentity
Test vectors
use BaseIdentity from identity.con
let orig = Seal(fac503c4641c3deda72a2d00bc9d6ff1094b15276c386efea403746a91436772, 1)
contract meSatoshiNakamoto := BaseIdentity (
name := "Satoshi Nakamoto"
emails := {"satoshi@nakam.oto"}
keys := [
(orig, Pubkey.secp256k1(0x028730eeeec41802621d177507b086f390ae600ba3ca5e428b13913af4c2cd25b3))
transition iLostMyKey := BaseIdentity.revoke (
old := orig,
new := (Seal(~:1), Pubkey.curve25519(0x0219db0a4e0eb8cb833608c08d76b9b279ec44a851ab82cc6fd68a9b32624bfa8b))